Tuesday 25 August 2009

Trial of the Crusader

I've downed the first two bosses from the new 10 man normal raid, Trial of the Crusader. The Northrend Beasts and Lord Jaraxxus, and neither seemed like a particularly difficult fight. We wiped some on both bosses before downing them, but that's to be expected when learning new content.

The only hard part of the Northrend Beasts is the start of the second phase, where both of the Jormungar are alive. There seemed to be some confusion as to how exactly the debuffs worked, especially as different people are affected depending on whether or not they're static or mobile. After a few attempts we managed to sort these issues, and downed the boss (the third phase is awesome amounts of fun, by the way).

We downed Lord Jaraxxus in four tries. The first attempt we had no idea what to expect - for some reason people decided to start the fight without taking a break to look up anything about the fight - and wiped fast. The second attempt went better. The third attempt should have had the boss down; we had one person up when the boss was on about 10-15k health - a Paladin tank (not me). He died when the boss was on 1k. The next attempt Jaraxxus went down, and I bought myself a new Libram (the +200 strength one).

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