Monday, 8 June 2009

Ulduar Update

So I haven't really written much about Ulduar for a while now. That's because I haven't really seen any new content; 10 man progression is still on 10/14 (we've yet to even attempt Mimiron) and 25 man progression is now at 3/14 (Flame Leviathan, Razorscale and XT-002).

I've yet to down Ignis on either 10 or 25 man. Ignis should be downed easily, but it just hasn't happened. 10 man failures for the few attempts we've had on him seem to just be a lack of focus - we start on him late, so people are tired. 25 man failures are simply a lack of healing, at some point in the fight I'd simply not receive any healing for two hits in a row - I was sitting at just under 41k health unbuffed, so two ~20k hits (plus possibly a tick while moving out of scorch) without healing means I'm dead.

We've also been losing evenings. Saturday night's raid was cancelled due to a lack of available people - a large number of those signed for the raid simply didn't show up and the other tank had his account hacked. No big deal, it happens. We downed seven bosses in just over three hours on Friday night and haven't been back since. I was confident that this week we'd at least get to see Mimiron even if we didn't down him, now I'm not sure.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Ignis is actually pretty tough. Flame Lev. (even +1 tower) and XT seem to be significantly easier, at least for us.

  3. Jets are just the nastiest mechanic. Healers, focused as they are on HEALING, can be completely screwed over if they miss this or if they lag a tiny bit. Suppose you have 3 healers on you (overkill...), and 2 of them get blocked out of their healing schools... wipe. Doesn't matter at what point of the encounter, Ignis could be at 90% or at 10%, it's a real raid killer.

  4. Yeah, flame jets are a pain in the ass for me (and all my attacks are instant cast) because of the kiting. Our first attempt this week on 25 man Ignis got him to 23% comfortably then wiped when my main healer disconnected, and just couldn't get close after that (no doubt made harder by the fact we were down one healer from then on).
