Friday, 29 May 2009

The Observations of Ulduar

I will admit that my experience of Ulduar is not as extensive as that of others, but I've downed six bosses and attempted two of the others. By the end of this week, I should have hopefully downed ten (or more) of the Ulduar bosses.

So this post can be considered to be one or two observations of Ulduar (mainly in comparison to Naxxramas) so far.

It's considerably more intense. Learning raid content can be pretty exhausting, especially when you've been at it for awhile. Learning Naxxramas wasn't anywhere as exhausting as Ulduar is, and I suppose that's to be expected. It requires a lot more work from everybody in the group, and that's not a bad thing at all. More frustration when you wipe, but also more satisfaction when you don't.

Offtanking Naxxramas was dull. There was minimal effort required to pick up adds, and if you were slow on picking them up it wasn't a huge issue. Not to mention that a lot of Naxxramas bosses were simply pick up and stand in place. If you had a tank that wasn't that great, not a problem: just have them offtank, and it doesn't really matter.

As a tank in Ulduar you have to be on the top of your game, regardless of whether you're main or off tanking. If you're lax about anything there's a real possibility that you'll wipe your raid. More kiting to be done, more situations where you may have to taunt a boss off of the other tank, more adds to be picked up (and they have to be picked up a lot faster), pretty much more of everything that made certain bosses in Naxxramas actually interesting. Even trash is more exciting; the tank and spank tedium of Naxxramas replaced in places with the necessity for crowd control, movement, positioning or tank switching.

Tanking raid content is actually FUN. My enjoyment of previous raid content came purely from the emblem/loot rewards, I'm now enjoying Ulduar for entirely different reasons.

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